Sunday, December 30, 2018

Is This One Middle Finger Worth $100,000?

Juli Briskman recently made headlines when she encountered President Donald Trump’s motorcade on her weekend bike ride. As the motorcade passed her on the left, leaving from President Trump’s Virginia golf course, she threw her left arm in the air and flipped the President the bird. After pictures of her defiant act surfaced and she began making headlines, Briskman believed it was her duty to inform her employer, a government contractor called Akima LLC. But the day after she told her Human Resources department what had happened, she was abruptly fired. The 50-year-old mother of two also posted the photo of her flipping the President off on her Facebook page, and it was that action that the company says violated their social media policy, calling the act “Lewd” and “Obscene.”
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Une nouvelle maladie a vu le jour chez les fumeurs de cigarettes électroniques

Une nouvelle maladie a vu le jour chez les fumeurs de cigarettes électroniques

Une nouvelle maladie a vu le jour chez les fumeurs de cigarettes électroniques

La cigarette électronique est utilisée par 3 millions de français comme une alternative à la cigarette classique, mais son utilisation est devenue controversée en raison du manque de preuves de son efficacité en tant qu'agent anti-tabac. Alors que les fumeurs cherchent des moyens de se débarrasser de leur mauvaise habitude, de nombreuses études ont soulevé des inquiétudes sur les effets de la cigarette électronique sur la santé.

La cigarette électronique est un dispositif qui est créé en chauffant un liquide à la bonne température pour en créer de la vapeur. L’utilisateur inhale la vapeur, ce qui lui confère une sensation très similaire à celle de la cigarette. Des études montrent que les cigarettes électroniques délivrent un cocktail de produits chimiques toxiques dans les poumons capable d’endommager l’ADN dans les tissus pulmonaires.

Les effets de la cigarette électronique sur la santé

Les ingénieurs ont mis au point des cigarettes électroniques il y a plusieurs années dans le but de fournir aux consommateurs de tabac une source de nicotine sans fumée ; les appareils chauffent un liquide inhalé par l’utilisateur, Comme les cigarettes électroniques ne brûlent rien, elles ne dégagent pas de fumée.
Le propylène glycol et la glycérine sont les principaux ingrédients de base de ce liquide. L’exposition au propylène glycol peut provoquer une irritation des yeux et des voies respiratoires. Une inhalation prolongée ou répétée en milieu industriel peut affecter le système nerveux central, le comportement et la rate. Lorsqu’il est chauffé et vaporisé, le propylène glycol peut former de l’oxyde de propylène, un carcinogène de classe 2B du Centre international de recherche sur le cancer, et le glycérol forme de l’acroléine, qui peut irriter les voies respiratoires supérieures. Des symptômes ont ainsi été détectés chez un groupe de travailleurs d’une usine de maïs, qui produit du pop-corn et qui avait développé une maladie pulmonaire sévère, due à l’inhalation de produits chimiques qui présentent un arôme de beurre et que l’on retrouve dans certaines cigarettes électronique, comme le souligne cette étude. D’où l’appellation de l’effet pop-corn lié au fait de vapoter.
Mais il se trouve qu’il existe d’autres maux liés à l’utilisation de la cigarette électronique.

La cigarette électronique endommage l’ADN

Les chercheurs sont parvenus à cette conclusion en exposant 10 souris mâles à de la vapeur de cigarette électronique contenant 10 milligrammes de nicotine, ce qui est comparable à ce que les humains inhalent: 3 heures par jour, 5 jours par semaine, pendant 12 semaines. Comparés à un groupe de souris témoins ayant inhalé de l’air filtré, ils ont découvert que les souris exposées à la vapeur de cigarette électronique présentaient des lésions de l’ADN dans leur cœur, leurs poumons et leur vessie.
Les scientifiques ont ajouté que l’exposition à la vapeur de la cigarette électronique interrompait les processus de réparation de l’ADN dans les tissus pulmonaires des souris. Ils ont constaté les mêmes résultats en testant l’exposition à long terme à la vapeur de cigarette électronique sur les cellules pulmonaires et de la vessie humaines.
Dans un article publié dans Circulation, les chercheurs ont découvert que les cigarettes électroniques libéraient de grandes quantités de nanoparticules, susceptibles de provoquer une inflammation et d’être associées à l’asthme, aux accidents vasculaires cérébraux, aux maladies cardiaques et au diabète.
L’utilisation de la cigarette électronique a également entraîné des blessures et des maladies graves, notamment des explosions et des incendies. Les effets indésirables moins graves comprennent une irritation de la gorge et de la bouche, une toux, des nausées et des vomissements.

L’utilisation chez les adolescents est une passerelle directe vers la cigarette traditionnelle.

Selon une étude de The official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, l’utilisation de la cigarette électronique chez les jeunes qui ne fument pas peut augmenter le risque d’initiation ultérieure de cigarettes et d’autres produits combustibles pendant la transition à l’âge adulte, lorsque l’achat de produits du tabac devient légal.
Préoccupée par une épidémie de consommation de cigarettes électroniques par les adolescents, la FDA a pris des mesures réglementaires à l’encontre de plus de 1 300 détaillants américains et de cinq grands fabricants pour leur rôle dans la perpétuation de l’accès des jeunes à la cigarette électronique. La FDA a alors demandé à ces grands fabricants d’établir des plans pour contrôler les ventes aux mineurs dans un délai de 60 jours ou faire face à une éventuelle action pénale ou civile. L’agence prévoit également d’examiner de près la contribution des arômes de jus de fruits préférés des enfants à la hausse de son utilisation.
Le commissaire de la FDA, Scott Gottlieb a déclaré : « Les cigarettes électroniques sont devenues une tendance presque omniprésente et dangereuse  chez les adolescents. La trajectoire d’utilisation accélérée que nous observons chez les jeunes, et le chemin qui en résulte vers la dépendance, doivent prendre fin. Ce n’est tout simplement pas tolérable. »


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Friday, December 28, 2018

Emery reveals turning down Salah at PSG

the Spaniard was not convinced by the Liverpool forward while he was in Paris but admits he is now among the world's best

Unai Emery turned down the chance to sign Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah while at Paris Saint- Germain due to having concerns over the Egyptinternational.
The decision came while Salah was plying his trade at Roma, where he spent 12 months on loan and a further year on a permanent deal.

Salah went on to join Liverpool for a then club-record £36 million (€46m), which could rise by £7m due to a series of add-ons, and netted 44 times in his maiden campaign at Anfield.
That form has continued into the 2018-19 campaign, with the 26-year-old having found the net 15 times for the Reds, who lead the Premier League table at the halfway stage
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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Shelter Dogs Excitedly Pick Out Toys From Under The Christmas Tree

A few days before Christmas, the Animal Rescue League of Iowa wanted to treat their shelter pets to a Christmas surprise by letting them pick out a toy from their Tree of Life to take back to their kennels – and they loved it!

The animal shelter noted that “what these babes are really wishing for is a new home” and some of the animals featured in this video got their wish – Jango, Snoop, Hemi, Boss and Luanne have all been adopted!

Check out the dogs and cats picking out their presents in the video below. They’re so happy!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

This Is the Real Flavor Difference Between Pepsi and Coca-Cola

No, your taste buds aren't playing tricks on you! Despite their similar qualities, there is an actual difference.

coke pepsiMejini Neskah/Shutterstock
Pepsi and Coca-Cola may be one of the most controversial drink debates of all time. A strong divide between diehard Coke drinkers and Pepsi enthusiasts has always existed. Yet, the two drinks are practically identical in every way from their caramel syrup color to their ingredients. Both sodas contain sodium, sugar, carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and natural flavors.
Despite their numerous similarities, Pepsi and Coca-Cola still give people two vastly different flavor experiences, which explains why people prefer one over the other. In Blink, a book about decision making and thinking, by author and journalist, Malcolm Gladwell, he writes, “Pepsi is sweeter than Coke and is also characterized by a citrusy flavor burst, unlike the more raisiny-vanilla taste of Coke.” Don’t miss how we settled the cola taste-test debate.
In fact, a 12 ounce can of Pepsi contains one thing Coke does not—citric acid. In addition, Pepsi also has two more grams of sugar than Coke. These two subtle differences give Pepsi its sweet, citrus-like flavor that people either love or loathe. Plus, the additional 15 mg of sodium in a can of Coke may explain why it tastes more like a club soda with a toned-down sweetness. Next, find out the fascinating origins of soda you never realized.
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10 Ways Grounded People Handle Rejection

10 Ways Grounded People Handle Rejection

Rejection hurts. Sometimes so badly it feels like your bruised ego may never recover. But here’s the thing: Rejection is normal, and it happens to all of us. Here’s how grounded, successful people deal with rejection gracefully—and you can too.

They recognize rejection for what it is

Portrait of a young basketball player sitting and resting after the game at the playgroundDean Drobot/Shutterstock
“Rejection can be sneaky. For example, sometimes we disagree with a partner, friend or family member and we might think what’s upsetting us is that the situation is ‘unfair,’ but what we’re actually upset about is that the person is rejecting us or a part of us,” says Sara Stanizai, a licensed psychotherapist and the owner of Prospect Therapy. “Rejection can cause you to question a part of yourself, which is uncomfortable. The feeling underneath rejection is frequently shame. If you are feeling embarrassed, ashamed, or you feel like you ‘don’t want people to know’ about the situation, maybe it’s because you are feeling rejected.” Learn how to bounce back stronger from failure.

They accept that it happened

cheerful african american young woman on the field at sunsetZolotarevs/Shutterstock
Good or bad, rejection happens. “If you take the resistance out of wishing there was another outcome you can see the opportunity from the experience,” says Megan Fleming, PhD, a psychotherapist in New York City. “It’s important to acknowledge emotions, ‘name it to tame it.’” Allowing ourselves to notice and name our experiences helps us to deal with the rejection, process the emotions, and let them go, rather than getting stuck in them. Find out what successful people do every weekend.

They reframe it

Beauty, obesity and body positive movement concept. Indoor shot of gorgeous attractive young overweight Caucasian brunette woman with big breast and hips enjoying good sunny day, resting on couchshurkin_son/Shutterstock
Whether you’ve been turned down by a potential boss or lover, it’s painful to want someone’s approval and not get it. But have you considered whether you actually approved of or wanted them? “Instead of telling yourself someone didn’t like you or that you’re not good enough, reframe it as a signal that you both weren’t a good match for each other,” writes John Kim, LMFT, psychotherapist. “Instead of seeing the ‘no’ as rejection, see it as you dodging a bullet.”
Whether a relationship is business or personal, it requires investment—and a lopsided relationship in which you are the one doing most of the wanting, work, and investment isn’t worth it. Fleming agrees, “A ‘no’ may feel bad and ultimately be the best thing for us.”

They know they’re not the only ones

Thoughtful retiree looking what going onOlena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock
Rejection is a universal experience—there is no one in the world who hasn’t experienced it. “The woman who seems to have all the confidence in the world, the best athlete on the field, the businessperson who’s made billions—I don’t care who they are, every single person is afraid of rejection,” Phillip C. McGraw (aka Dr. Phil) wrote in O, the Oprah magazine. “The next time you feel unsure of yourself and wonder whether something is wrong with you, I’ve got your answer: absolutely not.” Knowing you’re not alone in fearing and suffering rejection can take some of the shame out of it and help you realize that just because someone said “no” to you doesn’t mean everyone will.

They acknowledge how much rejection hurts

Close up of young asian woman resting after workout and looking away. Female runner in sportswear taking a break.Jacob Lund/Shutterstock
Negative emotions are unpleasant and it takes strength to face them. “For many people, negative emotions are like hot potatoes they want to get rid of,” says Fleming. “Most people try to shut down or cut off negative emotional experiences and don’t realize in doing so they are also cutting off the positives like joy, contentment, vigor. We call this constricted range of affect, you can’t cut off only one side. Living life fully means showing up fully and taking risks.” Check out these other secrets of happy, successful people.

They grow from it

Young female with blond hair sitting on the bench in the park. Positive teenage girl dreaming on the bench. Cold autumn weather. Art conceptVeronikaSmirnaya/Shutterstock
Discomfort helps us grow more than just about anything else. “We all like to avoid negative feelings, especially rejection and abandonment. Those emotions are hardwired in all of us—the mammals that we are—to feel bad,” says Fleming. But successful people go out into the world anyhow, asking for what they want and being prepared to sometimes hear no. “We’ll get what we want or we will learn from the experience.” These daily mantras will help you make your goals a reality.

They know that sometimes rejection is about the other person

Young African woman standing in her bathroom in the morning applying mascara to her eyelashes in a mirrormavo/Shutterstock
Sometimes a friend, lover, or employer may reject you for reasons that have nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. “Their ‘no’ may be coming from something else, maybe their own fears, insecurities, triggers, or maybe you remind them of someone they don’t like, like an ex perhaps, and they don’t even know it,” says Kim. “Or maybe they’re saying no to you because you make them feel less than. There’s a lot that happens underneath that we’re not aware of.”

They treat themselves with compassion

Great pleasure. Charming calm young woman is standing near sea with closed eyes and expressing delight. She is posing against wonderful sunset while enjoying last rays of the sunOlena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock
“Sometimes people think tough love will help them learn,” says Stanizai. “This is especially true if that’s how caregivers tried to teach you when you were growing up. You may not even realize that you’re being tough on yourself. You might think that cutting yourself some slack will just perpetuate the issue when in fact, once you let go of those expectations, you’re more likely to learn from the situation.”

They’re smart about social media

Travel blogger using route application on the mobile phone to find the needed address in a city. Young stylish blonde woman reading emails on the smartphone while passing by with a take away coffeeJKstock/Shutterstock
Dating apps and social media platforms give us more opportunities to feel rejected than we’ve ever had before. “You can feel really bad about yourself without ever leaving the house. From left swipes to unanswered DMs to unfollows, rejection is everywhere,” says Kim. Yes, social media “likes” and follows can be important for business, but grounded people remember that what they’re presenting on social media isn’t them as people. When someone unfollows a Twitter feed or doesn’t hit “love” on a photo, they’re generally not rejecting the person—they just don’t need or want the information.

They keep trying

10 Ways Grounded People Handle RejectionYuricazac/Shutterstock
It’s easy to get caught up in all-or-nothing or black-and-white thinking when you’re trying to deal with rejection—for example, thinking “I’ll never get hired” or “I’m unlovable” rather than “I didn’t get hired this time” or “this relationship didn’t work out.” But successful, grounded people don’t stay in that space for very long.
“Each instance is unique and different,” writes psychotherapist Jeremy Nicholson, Ph.D. “Whether one or several people have demonstrated rejecting behaviors towards your request, you cannot logically generalize to ‘everyone’ or ‘always.’ Each time, place, and person is distinctive. What is true for one is not true for all. The next person could be different. So, try not to overgeneralize. Stay hopeful. Keep an open mind.” Next, find out the winning attributes of successful people.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

15 Ways Meghan Markle Has Broken Royal Protocol

Entering the British Royal Family means learning a new set of rules. That doesn’t mean the new American-born Duchess will always follow them.

Meghan Markle arrives 

As she walked down the aisle to marry one of the world’s former most eligible bachelors, Meghan Markle did so with her father-in-law, Prince Charles. That’s not before she escorted herself down the first half of the aisle before the Quire (where the main royal guests sat). Traditionally, the bride’s father gives his daughter away to his new son-in-law. But Thomas Markle, Meghan’s father, was unable to attend the wedding as planned.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle kiss Like many couples, royal or not, Markle and Prince Harry often enjoyed dates out together in public while they were dating. While out together at the Invictus Games, the couple was seen holding hands, and the prince even romantically kissed Markle’s head. Showing affection in public is definitely not something that the royal family does often. Here’s why Kate and Prince William are hardly ever seen holding hands.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stand on the steps 

Being on the inside of the royal family doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to have friends who live out in the real world. In fact, a royal palace spokesperson said that Markle actually has a “very close-knit circle of friends and she didn’t want to choose one over another” when it came to having a maid of honor. These are more of the etiquette rules the royal family is supposed to follow

Free hugs

Meghan Markle hugging someone 

When you meet the Queen, royal protocol says men should bow their heads and women should give a small curtsy. However, Markle doesn’t seem to mind a hug every now and then. You’d never guess which royal family members have to curtsy to Markle only when she’s with her husband.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Real Madrid - Kashima Antlers, semi-final of the World Club 18/12/2018

Real Madrid enters the World Club Championship on Wednesday (December 19th) against the Kashima Antlers. A live match on beIN SPORTS 1 from 5:30 pm

"We want to come home with the title." Sergio Ramos' message is clear: Real Madrid, which will play its semi-final World Cup of clubs against the Kashima Antlers Wednesday, did not come to the United Arab Emirates to procrastinate.
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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Liverpool 3 Manchester United 1: Shaqiri's late show bails out Alisson as Reds return to the top

Liverpool remain in charge at the top of the Premier League, as they beat bitter rivals Manchester United 3-1 at Anfield on Sunday.
Xherdan Shaqiri scored twice to bail out Alisson following a first-half howler to secure Liverpool a 3-1 win over bitter rivals Manchester United at Anfield on Sunday, lifting the Reds back to the Premier League summit.
United looked to be on course for a commendable point after Alisson gifted Jesse Lingard a first-half equaliser, but substitute Shaqiri struck twice in the final 17 minutes to halt Liverpool's eight-match winless run against their great rivals in the league.
Liverpool deservedly went ahead through Sadio Mane's well-worked opener, but it did not last long despite their domination, as Lingard converted to punish Alisson's error just after the half-hour mark.
What does it mean? Time is running out for Mourinho or Pogba

Paul Pogba was left out of the starting XI for a third successive Premier League game, and although widely regarded as United's most talented outfield player, he still was not called for even with Liverpool heading to victory. His relationship with Mourinho looks beyond repair – surely at least one of them will be gone by the end of the season?
Shaqiri steps up

Switzerland international Shaqiri has been impressive since joining Liverpool, despite having to be content with a back-up role. He was that again on Sunday, but he played the part perfectly and showed just how valuable he is, coming off the bench to devastating effect.
Lukaku a road to nowhere

The woes of Lukaku in recent weeks have been well-documented, but aside from his role in the goal – which only came about because of Alisson's error – he was absolutely dominated by Virgil van Dijk, who looked at ease throughout.
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Friday, December 14, 2018

"I shot the sheriff" après la neutralisation de Chérif Chekatt, BFMTV présente ses excuses

"I shot the sheriff" après la neutralisation de Chérif Chekatt, BFMTV présente ses excuses

La chanson de Bob Marley a été entendue à l'antenne, provoquant l'émoi de très nombreux internautes.

MÉDIAS - C'est une bourde dont la chaîne d'information se serait bien passée. BFMTV a présenté ses excuses ce vendredi 14 décembre, dans un article diffusé sur son site. Un mea-culpa qui intervient en raison de la diffusion de la chanson de Bob Marley, "I shot the sheriff", jeudi 13 décembre, après l'annonce de la mort de Chérif Chekatt.
"L'équipe technique en charge du son a reconnu être à l'origine de cet incident grave et plaide une 'erreur de manipulation'", détaille la chaîne. "Une enquête est en cours et permettra, nous l'espérons, de faire toute la lumière".
À 22h21 précisément, les notes du tube de Bob Marley "I shot the Sheriff" ont été entendues, à bas volume, à l'antenne. Quelques secondes qui ont provoqué l'émoi de beaucoup d'internautes, lesquels se sont empressés de dénoncer l'indécence d'une blague de mauvais goût, jouant sur le prénom du terroriste abattu.
De très nombreux téléspectateurs ont fait la remarque sur Twitter.
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Lakers vs. Rockets: Watch NBA online, live stream, TV channel, time, odds, analysis, picks

The Los Angeles Lakers didn't get off to the hottest start this season, but the group appears to have turned the corner. LeBron James has been playing the high caliber of basketball that everyone expected him to when he signed a four-year deal with L.A. However, the team's young core is figuring it out with Kyle Kuzma and Lonzo Ball making significant strides as of late. The Lakers (17-10) are coming off a thrilling victory over the Miami Heat and will look to continue the positive momentum against the Houston Rockets.
On the other hand, the Rockets (12-14) are floundering after having high expectations entering the season. After all, this was a team that was just one win away from advancing to the NBA Finals and may have if not for an injury to Chris Paul. The team did re-sign Paul and center Clint Capela in the summer, but chose to commit to players like Carmelo Anthony and Michael Carter-Williams rather than try to retain Luc Mbah a Moute or Trevor Ariza. Considering their struggles as of late, a win over the Lakers would certainly be a huge step in the right direction.
The Lakers and Rockets are two teams going in opposite directions to say the least. It'll be interesting to see who is able to come out on top in this contest.
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Nancy Wilson, Legendary Vocalist And NPR 'Jazz Profiles' Host, Dies At 81

Grammy-winning singer Nancy Wilson performs in 2003 at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall in New York during a concert titled "Nancy Wilson With Strings: Celebrating Four Decades of Music."
Stuart Ramson/AP
Nancy Wilson died Thursday after a long illness at her home in Pioneertown, Calif., her manager Devra Hall Levy told NPR. She was 81.
Born in Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1937, Wilson has recounted in interviews that she started singing around age 3 or 4.
"I have always just sung. I have never questioned what it is. I thank God for it and I just do it," she told Marian McPartland, host of NPR's Piano Jazz in 1994.
She never had formal training but was influenced by Dinah Washington, Nat "King" Cole, and others. Wilson says she knew at an early age what she would do for a living.
During her decades-long career, Wilson performed jazz ballads, standards, torch songs, show tunes and pop songs. She told McPartland that she loves a song with a good story and good lyrics. A song that has a beginning, middle and an end.
After attending Central State College in Ohio for one year, she left to pursue music full time. She had been touring continuously in her 20s when she met saxophonist Cannonball Adderley. He suggested she move to New York and in 1959 she did. Many successful singles and albums followed.
From 1996 through 2005, NPR listeners will remember Wilson as the host of Jazz Profiles, a documentary series that profiled the legends and legacy of jazz. More than 190 episodes were produced.
In the interview on Piano Jazz, McPartland described Wilson as a multi-talented entertainer. She didn't just sing, Wilson made guest appearances on TV variety programs and acted in several TV series.
As Variety reports: Wilson may be remembered by millions of TV viewers who recall her 1974-75 NBC variety series, "The Nancy Wilson Show," for which she won an Emmy. She was frequently a guest herself on the variety shows hosted by Carol Burnett, Andy Williams and Flip Wilson as well as acting on "The Cosby Show" and dramatic series like "The F.B.I." and "Hawaii 5-O."
The National Endowment for the Arts awarded Wilson a "Jazz Masters Fellowship" in 2004 for lifetime achievement.
In 1998, she received the NAACP Image award — having been active in the civil rights movement, including the 1965 march on Selma, Ala.
In 2011, she stopped touring following a show at Ohio University, but had hinted years earlier that she had thought about retiring.
The Associated Press reports that in 2007, when she turned 70, "Wilson was the guest of honor at a Carnegie Hall gala. 'After 55 years of doing what I do professionally, I have a right to ask how long? I'm trying to retire, people,' she said with a laugh before leaving the stage to a standing ovation."
According to a family statement, Wilson did not want a funeral. A celebration of her life will be held later.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

الإمارات.. مغربية قتلت صاحبها وطيباتو مع الروز!!

الإمارات.. مغربية قتلت صاحبها وطيباتو مع الروز!!
أفادت وكالة الأنباء العالمية “أشوسيتد بريس” بأن النيابة العامة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة اتهمت مغربية بقتل صديقها، ثم ذبحه وطبخه، وتقديمه في وجبة مع الأرز (أكلة المجبوس) لعمال باكستانيين من أجل أكله.
وقالت صحيفة “ناشيونال” إن النيابة العامة في إمارة العين تقول إن المرأة اعتقلت للاشتباه في قتلها شخص تجمعها به علاقة 7 سنوات، بعد أن أخبرها بأنه سيتزوج فتاة أخرى، لتنتقم منه بهذه الطريقة.
وأضافت الصحيفة ذاتها، اليوم الثلاثاء (20 نونبر)، أن الرجل قتل قبل 3 أشهر، لكن الجريمة لم تكشف خيوطها إلا في الأيام الأخيرة بعد أن ذهب شقيق الرجل بحثًا عنه، وسأل المتهمة عنه، إلا أنها أنكرت معرفتها بمكان شقيقه، وزعمت أنها طردته من المنزل، لكن الشقيق عثر على أسنان بشرية في خلاط كهربائي للطعام، وبعد اختبارات الحمض النووي تبين أنها تعود للضحية.
وتقول الشرطة إن المرأة ستمثُل أمام المحكمة عقب انتهاء التحقيق الكامل.
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قحاب المغرب نيك وبوس والخليجي يدفع فلوس سكس

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "‫قحاب‬‎"

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "‫قحاب‬‎"
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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

15 Important Things Most People Don’t Know About Sex

Despite how many times a person can have sex, there are always new things to be learned about the art of making love. This article is going to list 15 different aspects of having sex that many people may not know about. For example, did you know that the average sexual “session” spends about 100 calories? That would mean that having sex multiple times per day may expend enough calories to even cause some people to lose weight as if they were going to the gym.
The Amount of Calories Sex Burns
According to various available statistics, sex on average burns around 100 calories per person, with spending a slightly higher amount. What is even more interesting is that the calorie expenditure figure is per session, so doing it multiple days would spend even more calories.

How Much Intercourse Happens Every Day
Another interesting statistic is that on average (for the whole world), there are a 100 million occurrences of sexual intercourse. That means that on average, every 30th person in the world has had sex at least once in the past 24 hours.
Many People Claim It is Addictive
According to many people who have experienced different amount of sexual “success,” they claim that the more sex a person has, the more they are going to crave it. It seems that the only cure for horniness is to abstain from sex for a while.
The Average Amount of Time a Person Spends Kissing

Here is another mind-boggling statistic. Did you know that the average person in the world is going to spend a whopping 20,160 minutes kissing and making out. The amount includes both kissing as part of the foreplay, and kissing in general.
Women on the Pill Are More Attracted to Less Masculine Men
According to several new research studies, women who are taking a hormonal contraceptive (also called as “the pill”) are more likely to be attracted to less masculine men, and to men that have a lower average amount of free-flowing testosterone.
Female Attraction Changes When a Girl is Fertile
While a girl is more attracted to less testosterone while she is on the pill, the opposite happens when she isn’t taking the pill and is in her fertile period of the month. In that period, most women are attracted to overly masculine guys.
How to Know if a Guy Is Likely to Cheat
There is another interesting study that showed how a woman could tell the chances a man would cheat on her, based on something she can see while she is having sex with her partner. The “tell” is the size of the man’s testicles – the larger they are, the higher the chance of cheating.
Men Think About Sex 19 Times per Day

It seems both of the sexes are obsessed with sex, but men take a slightly ahead of women. According to a survey, men on average think about sex 19 times per day, while women think about sex “only” about 10 times in the day.
Most Guys Don’t Last Long
According to another survey that attempted to measure how long most guys can last while making love to their partners, it seems that 75% of the guys (that is 3/4th of all men) are only able to last about 3 minutes before ejaculating.
Semen Contains 5 Calories
Here is another weird fun-fact about the human semen (if you ever cared to know more about it) – on average, a tablespoon of semen (that is the average amount a guy can “carry” in his testicles), contains only 5 calories worth of energy.
Sex Can Treat a Headache
Since having sex and reaching orgasm can release a lot of tension in the body, many people and doctors have reported that having sex while having a headache can help in lessening the symptoms of the headache. Most people still prefer to take a pill though.
There Are Over 1,000 Terms for Female Genitalia

The English language is known to have a lot of synonyms for words that basically describe the same thing. One of the words that have the highest number of words to describe is the female genitals or the vulva. There are over 1,000 terms to describe that part of the female body.
The Clitoris Has 8,000 Nerve Endings
The clitoris, or the part of the female genitals that is the easiest for most women to reach an orgasm, has a whopping 8,000 different nerve endings, which explains why so many women have reported that they can finish only by stimulating the clitoris.
On Average, Women Need 20 Minutes to Reach Orgasm
While most guys only last about 3 minutes, for women the opposite is true. According to a recent survey, the average female has reported that she needs about 20 minutes to reach orgasm through intercourse, and about 4 minutes through masturbation.
How Women Rate the Male Body
According to a survey, women only ranked the penis as the 9th most important part of the male body. This is in direct contrast to how guys see their bodies – most men have reported that they think their penis is the 3rd most important part of their body.

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