Saturday, October 28, 2017

فتح باب التسجيل في الهجرة العشوائية 2018 رسمياً سجل الآن

فتح باب التسجيل في الهجرة العشوائية 2018 رسمياً سجل الآن

لمعرفة كيفية التسجيل في القرعة العشوائية، يمكنكم مراجعة بوابة الهجرة الامريكية على موقعنا، أو التوجه للموقع الرسمي للقرعة واتباع الخطوات كما يوضح الموقع فخطوات التسجيل ليست صعبة.
تم فتح باب التسجيل من الآن، وسيتم اغلاق باب التسجيل في القرعة يوم 7 نوفمبر القادم في نفس الساعة التي تم فيها فتح التسجيل على اللوتري الأمريكي 2018، وبعد اغلاق باب التسجيل سيكون على جميع المسجلين انتظار النتيجة في شهر مايو من العام 2017.
ملاحظة هامة : لن يتم فتح باب التسجيل بعد اغلاقه مرة أخرى، وأي حديث بخصوص فتح باب التسجيل بع أن يتم اغلاقه غير صحيح.

متطلبات وشروط التسجيل في قرعة أمريكا

أن تكون بلد الشخص الذي يرغب في الهجرة مؤهلة للتقديم في القرعة، أي أن مواطنيها يمكن التقديم في القرعة، وهذا الشرط لا توجد فيه مشكلة هذا العام، لأن كافة الدول العربية مؤهلة للتقديم في قرعة 2018.
انهاء الخدمة العسكرية الإلزامية، أي أن الشخص يجب أن يكون قد أنهى خدمة الجيش في بلده، هذا إذا كانت خدمة العلم اجبارية في بلد الشخص الذي يرغب في التقديم على اللوتري الأمريكي 2018.
تلبية الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التعليم وهى 12 عام دراسة، اذا لم يكن الشخص حاصلاً على دبلوم أو شهادة الثانوية العامة، أو شهادة دراسية أعلى.
تعبئة كافة الخانات المطلوبة عند تسجيل الطلب مثل الاسم وتاريخ الميلاد والبلد، ويجب على كل شخص الإنتباه جيداً لكل معلومة يقدمها.
أن تتم تعبئة الطلب خلال 60 دقيقة من البدأ في أول خطوة في تسجيل الطلب حتى الإنتهاء بشكل نهائي من تعبئة الطلب، وأي وقت اضافي سيكون على الشخص تعبئة طلب آخر.
بعد اتمام الطلب يجب الإحتفاظ بمعلومات التسجيل الأساسية، خصوصاً البريدالإلكتروني ورقم الكونفرميشن نمبر  confirmation number لأنهما اكثر المعلومات أهمية في الطلب، ويفضل بعد حفظهما حفظ لقطة من شاشة الكمبيوتر بهذه المعلومات.
الشئ الذي يجب الإنتباه إليه جيداً هو البريد الإلكتروني الذي يتم التسجيل به في القرعة، يجب أن يكون بريد صالح ويمكن الوصول إليه في اي وقت.
ملاحظة أخيرة : لأن فتح باب التسجيل في الهجرة العشوائية 2018 مازال في بدايته، سيكون هناك ضغط على الموقع، وقد لا يفتح الموقع مع الكثير من الأشخاص لذلك من لا يعمل معه الموقع، عليه الإنتظار لوقت آخر  .. بالتوفيق لكل المتقدمين.
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فيديو. فلسطيني يحكي جحيم خداعه من عصابة "لارناك" بوادزم

دعارة الويبكام

نشر موقع قناة "بي بي سي"، تقريرا عن عملية احتيال وابتزاز راح ضحيتها شاب فلسطيني مقيم بايطاليا، بعدما خدعه شخص بوادي زم أومهمه على موقع دردشة أنه فتاة مثيرة، ليتمكن "النصاب" من تسجيل فيديو جنسي للشاب الفلسطيني، قبل أن يبدأ بعدها حجيم الإبتزاز المالي بواسطة الفيديو المذكور.
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مقاطعة كيبك الكندية تفتح باب الهجرة لـ 5000 شخص .. قدم طلبك الآن !

 اعلنت مقاطعة كيبك الكندية عبر موقعها الإلكتروني عن فتح باب التسجيل للهجرة امام 5000 شخص من أصحاب المهن والعمالة الماهرة، ويبدأ التقديم في الساعة الثامنة والنصف بتوقيت مدينة مونتريال الكندية، وسيتم استقبال أول 5000 طلب فقط .

اذا كنت من الأشخاص المهتمين في التقديم يجب عليك الإسراع في فتح حساب خاص بك بموقع الهجرة من هنااا

طريقة التقديم :
1- عليك الدخول الى الرابط التالي "
href="" style="border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #d63e3d; font-size: 18px; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: all 0.4s; user-select: text !important; vertical-align: baseline;">immigration services online"ستتمكن من رؤية من هم قبلك وتنتطر حتى يأتي دورك يطلب منك ان تعطي إشارة صوتية و كتابية وبعده يتم تحويلك أوتوماتيكياً لتسجل دخولك في حسابك الذي قمت بفتحة مسبقاً.

2- لديك 10 دقائق فقط لتقديم طلبك وانهاء تسجيلك، من الأفضل لك الإستعانه بشخص متمكن من اللغة الأنجليزية لتسريع عملية التسجيل.

نصائح عليك الأخذ بها عند التقديم :
1- يرجى الملاحظة ان يوم 16 عند فتح باب التسجيل سيتم قبول 5000 طلب وبعده يتم التوقف فالأولوية لمن يقدم أولاً.

2- كن مستعد واحمل بطاقتك الائتمانية حتى تتمكن من دفع الرسوم.

3- استخدم الكومبيوتر لانه لا يقبل الموبايل .

ادخل قبل الساعة الثامنة والنصف صباحا لان هناك من يدخل ابكر وياخد مكان قبلك كن جاهز قبل الموعد وفتح الموقع لتكون من الاوائل الذين يقدمو .
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mia khalifa pornographie film who is mia ????

SHE's the porn star hitting headlines for her controversial behaviour.
But who is Mia Khalifa and how did she start her career? Here's the lowdown.
 Lebanon-born Mia, who moved to the US aged seven in 2000, has became notorious for her award-winning work in the adult entertainment industry
Lebanon-born Mia, who moved to the US aged seven in 2000, has became notorious for her award-winning work in the adult entertainment industry

Who is Mia Khalifa?

Mia Khalifa,  also known as Mia Callista, is a 24-year-old porn star who was once PornHub's higest ranked adult-entertainer. became notorious for her award-winning work in the adult entertainment industry.
Lebanon-born Mia, who moved to the US aged seven in 2000, has became notorious for her award-winning work in the adult entertainment industry and more recently has attempted to forge a career as a US Sports pundit.
She first began acting in pornography in October 2014 - ranking as the number 1 performer on PornHub by December.
It has been reported that Mia first got into porn when she was working in burger chain Whataburger, when a customer approached her and asked if she had ever considered appearing in pornographic films.
 Mia has hit headlines for her controversial behaviour
Mia has hit headlines for her controversial behaviour
Her family is Catholic and she was raised in this religion - but not longer practices the faith.
Now, she will be joining former NBA star Gilbert Arenas to "explore the cultural impact" of sports through Complex magazine's YouTube channel in a daily programme called "Out of Bounds".

How has Mia Khalifa hit headlines?

Mia has faced plenty of controversy in recent months.
She was allegedly turfed out of a baseball game for punching a fan who tried to take a selfie withe her at a match between the LA Dodgers and last years World Series Champs the Chicago Cubs.
According to reports, a fan shoved a phone in Khalifa’s face to take a selfie without asking permission, at which point Khalifa punched the fan in the jaw.
The Twitter account Hooligan Baseball tweeted a video of Khalifa being escorted from the building at the same time that a Dodger's player hit a walk-off home run.
Cubs fan Khalifa responded to the video by tweeting: "Fake news."
She then caused outrage by posting an image of her face superimposed onto the body of the Virgin Mary.
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Friday, October 27, 2017

Amusing Things You Can Relate To If You’ve Never Been In A Serious Relationship

There are times when you get jealous of people who are n a serious relationship from a long time but when you see yourself you know how good it is to not be in one. The moment you get into one you’ll wish you had leaned into it more when you were single. Being with someone and getting serious about someone is two different things. But believe me, there will be a hell lot of amusing things that going to happen if you never had a serious relationship.

Here are is a list of amusing things you can only relate to if you’ve never been in a serious relationship!

1. High Self-Confidence 
When you remain single and avoid a serious relationship, you generally are someone with high self-confidence. You know you don’t need anyone to boost your confidence up.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
2. Independence
People who stay single or don’t get into a serious relationship know this. They enjoy the freedom and find it amusing when people in a relationship have to depend on their partner.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
3. Not bothered about dying alone jokes
You often find people making fun of you saying how you would end up alone and stuff as such. And all you do is not feel bothered about it because you don’t really care.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship

4. You know how to talk to people
This generally happens to people who simple tag along with others or fulfill the criteria of the third wheel. You find it easy to talk to anyone while your couple friends lose themselves in each other. You find it easy to talk to anyone.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
5. You act as the counselor
Even though being someone with no experience of a serious relationship, people flock to you for advice. You know the perks of being single it gets easy for you to ask them to leave their partners for any reason whatsoever. You even go onto saying how easy it is to stay single. Amusing, right?
amusing things serious relationship
6. You don’t really get the idea of long term relationship
Being someone whose relationship hardly lasts more than a week, you stay thinking how others survive. You even stay amused thinking what people talk to each other the entire day when in a relationship.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship

7. Your relationship stories are interesting as f*ck
When you are someone who hardly stays in relationships for a long time, you are full of amusing stories. Stories like how you came up with different excuses to get out of every relationship you have ever been in.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
 8. You hate when people ask why you never had a serious relationship
You get tired when people come up to you ask why you don’t want to get serious with someone. You feel like screaming your heart out and saying how happy you are being single.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
9. You stay free from the past relationship dramas
When you see people crying over their previous relationships, you thank almighty for never letting you have one. You feel free and the burden of past never bothers you.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
10. You know the wait will be worth
One of the many reasons of you staying away from getting serious is not finding a perfect partner. And deep down you know the wait will be worth it.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
11. You value the importance of friendship
People tend to forget their friends the moment they get in a serious relationship. And you find it amusing as in how can people leave their friends. You prefer staying away from such relationship as you know how important friends are.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship
12. You know how to be self-dependent 
You see people depending on their partner for every little thing. And you feel proud thinking how you are not one of these people as you are self-dependent.
amusing things you'll get if you haven't been in a serious relationship

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25 Struggles Only Women With Big Boobs Can Understand

Having extremely big boobs is very inconvenient as there are many problems and struggles attached to it like the neck, back, and shoulder pain, along with chaffing or rash, less activity and of course, unhappy with their appearance. Most of the concerns are related more to their big boobs than being overweight, which only women can understand.
Though it may seem big boobs are not a big issue for the one carrying, there are many daily hurdles they have to cross. Many people don’t want to work with women having big boobs, this is so anti-woman. Boobs are supposed to be a beautiful feminine thing that should be celebrated.
also, read 14 Struggles Only People Who Hate Physical Contact Know

We bring you some big boobs struggles, which only women can understand.

1. Women with big boobs just can’t run without thinking of all that swinging that’s gonna happen.
struggles big boobs understand
2. Struggles to rush down the stairs in a graceful manner.
struggles big boobs understand
3. Jumping in joy and with freedom is out of the question for women with big boobs.
struggles big boobs understand
4. It’s a huge problem to hug someone with big boobs or someone shorter.
struggles big boobs understand
5. The struggles in summer with sweat trickling through the shirt making it look like watermelons.
struggles big boobs understand
6. One has to think twice to wear low-cut clothes.
struggles big boobs understand
7. And anything that is strapless is just avoidable and remains a dream.
struggles big boobs understand
8. Women having big breasts struggles in the car with the seat belts.
struggles big boobs understand
9. Struggles to find a bra that can support and hold them.
struggles big boobs understand
10. Strap marks are like a stigma on a woman’s body with big boobs.
struggles big boobs understand
11. Can’t do any house chores for long as backaches are regular visitors, am sure all women understand.
struggles big boobs understand
12. A very sad case, when it comes to wearing tent dresses, empire dresses, suspenders or ruffles.
struggles big boobs understand

13. The struggles a woman faces when it comes to sleep or lie on their stomach.
struggles big boobs understand
14. The greatest enemy is the button-down boob gap, every woman will understand.
struggles big boobs understand
15. A great embarrassment when leaning against tables or counters.
struggles big boobs understand
also, read 11 Amazing Ways To Satisfy The Breasts Of A Woman
16. Not built for rough and bumpy roads or any sort of violent or unsteady movement.
struggles big boobs understand
17. Women have to pay a hefty price for big size bras, which no one tries to understand.
struggles big boobs understand
18. Just cannot wear t-shirts with prints or quotes written on it as it tells a different story.
struggles big boobs understand
19. When she is given compliments for her big breasts, from within she goes ‘Please, No!’
struggles big boobs understand
20. Button-up shirts are very tricky as it gaps at the right place, the bust.
struggles big boobs understand
21. Women understand that necklaces get consumed into the breasts and the pendants get buried up.
struggles big boobs understand
22. A nuisance when eating or drinking, as the food crumbs or the drink drops, are so attracted to the boobs.
struggles big boobs understand
23. Unable to carry cross body bags, as the straps look like one huge giant seat belt suffocating you.
struggles big boobs understand
24. Once a while a nip slip or a wardrobe malfunction is definitely on the cards.
struggles big boobs understand
25. Swimsuits are real struggles, always a mismatch as you need an XL top and an M bottom, finding support, comfort, and style in your swimwear is agony.
struggles big boobs understand
Some plus points:
26. Women with big boobs are always valuable to the bra industry. We understand that they need bras every six months as they wear out. Hence, they buy more bras than an average-sized breasts women, therefore they are the best customers.

struggles big boobs understand
27. Another good thing about their breasts is that it works as a storage to store things.
struggles big boobs understand
28. Understand that you have the power to do anything with those huge boobs.
struggles big boobs understand

29. Last but not the least, mostly big breasted women look stunning and gorgeous with them, like Jessica Rabbit.
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